Floor to Ceiling

Ok, so we’re making some good progress on the kitchen! On Friday, I took the day off work to help Jim out with the drywall. Turned out, he also borrowed a drywall hoist from a friend, and it was magic. Seriously, made life so much easier… just place the sheet of drywall on it, crank the wheel, and it held it to the ceiling while you screwed the thing to the rafters.

On Saturday, I grouted the tiles in the kitchen. Here’s the in progress shot:

The colour of the grout was a tough choice… Jim was with me when I picked it out and we discussed a grey grout, and the one that I ended up choosing was called Bahama Beige… as you can see, it was really dark, like chocolate frosting, when it was wet, but when finished, it is a great colour match.


Today, Jim did the drywall on the walls. Yay! It is finally starting to look like a proper room again!


I can’t wait to have a kitchen again!!

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