Well, sort of sold.  The super great news is that on Friday (November 21st), I received an offer on my townhouse.  It was about $4,000 below my asking price, and the buyer wanted to have a 90-day closing because she hasn’t yet listed/sold her home.  We compromised, agreeing to 6 weeks, and just $1,000 below asking (justifiable, because I now have to pay for bridge financing between the 2 closing dates).  After finalizing the agreement on the weekend, with just the conditions of a home inspection and provision of an acceptable status certificate, things are looking good.

The home inspection was scheduled for Monday morning, and found just a few small issues that we’re going to be able to work out.  Today, however, my agent advised that the status certificate that I provided (which is a package containing rules and regulations for a condo corporation, financials, etc.) didn’t contain the actual Status Certificate, which is the document that verifies that my account is in good standing, etc.  This is absolutely not true – both my agent and I reviewed the documents and this paperwork was included – and we didn’t remove the docs before handing over the package to the buyer.  Now, I’m waiting on the Property Management company to respond as to whether or not they can re-issue those documents.  Super frustrating.

Another lesson learned from the process of selling your house: you must have the patience of a Saint.  And, clearly, I don’t!

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