Raining Mouse Poo

Hey all. Today is Wednesday, and it is a Damn cold Wednesday.  Welcome to January in Canada.  I’m just waiting for Jim to get here to continue working on the bathroom.  Yesterday, he got the drywall on the ceiling. That was interesting… first he had to strap the walls with wood strips that the drywall wood we screwed into.  Then he trimmed the drywall to fit, and then it was a 2 person job to lift the sheets up to the ceiling (while standing on a ladder, of course) and then prop the sheet of drywall up with the strapping wood.  It would be very dangerous to try on your own, I imagine.  Now the ceiling is drywalled.  Next step is to install the bathtub.


American Standard tub - it was on sale at Lowes!
American Standard tub – it was on sale at Lowes!

While Jim was working on the ceiling, I went to work in the kitchen. I’d started taking down some cabinets the day before and wanted to continue. Funny thing is, I’d unscrewed 2 of the cabinets from the wall the day before, but they were still hanging. The tiled and grout were holding them in place. As I started to chip out the grout and tile, and pull the cabinets down, one of them started coming apart and I found mouse droppings – I wasn’t sure where they were coming from, but keep in mind that I haven’t used these cabinets at all, so I figured it must have been in the corner of one of the shelves. Eventually, with the tiles free, the cabinets finally started to fall and as they did, it started to rain mouse poo. Disgusting! I even had one on my shirt. Gag. Apparently, they had made quite a comfy home for themselves running on the tops of the cabinets, between there and the bulkhead. I can’t wait to pull the others down and see what else falls in me. Next step, obviously, was to get out the Shop Vac and start sucking it all up, before the pets got interested, and then to remove the pieces.

After the poo flew.
After the poo flew.

Ok, Jimmy is here. More later…

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