Basement Blues

Happy New Year! Ok, it is Friday, January 2nd, and a lot of people are back to work today.  Had a nice visit from my sister’s family yesterday, and time with two of my adorable nephews, and now I have today, and all of next week, off!

A couple new developments to report this morning:

1. Foundation Flaws

My electrician, Rich, came by on Monday and walked through the house with me to get a look at what all needs to be done. In order to do some work in the kitchen, such as adding the dishwasher, I had to remove the paneling on the wall downstairs (where the wire will run).  Well, I got started pulling off the trim and paneling, and discovered a couple of cracks in the foundation.

This was something that was identified in the home inspection, and we’d negotiated a small savings from my original offer, but actually revealing cracks in the blocks that had potentially been leaking for years (paneling was probably up since about the 70s) was quite eye opening.  Why wouldn’t it have been looked after years ago?  They had to see wet spots at times!  Anyway, I contacted two companies on Tuesday.  One was able to come out that afternoon, the other booked me an appointment for January 9th.  When the guy from the first company, Gord’s Basement Waterproofing, came out, he provided an estimate to dig down and waterproof/seal in 3 places – around the 2 cracks, plus a large spot along the front step (underneath which the cold room has a significant leak) – all for $2,300 plus HST.  Sorry, other company, but this will be repaired before you can even fit me in!

2. Playing with Fire

Next up was the fireplace inspection, this morning.  The Insurance Company refused to insure the house at first, because I couldn’t provide them any details on the fireplace/wood stove.  Then they insured me, on the condition that I have a WETT Inspection and Sweep completed within 15 days.  I booked Richard Haart, who used to do the inspections in my condo. He arrived this morning and advised that the firplace is actually an insert, and that is not to code as it has a pipe that is only 6 inches, and the gases, heat, etc. that are released into the chimney (which is much bigger than 6 inches) can cause explosions.  He is going to have to remove it, and I am hopeful that what is left can actually be a working fireplace.  He said it depends on if the damper remains in place.  For now, he is going to write me a letter with these details, in order to satisfy the Insurance Company, and try to get the work done in about a week.

Next up is the electrical work.  Rich will be here in am hour, and start some of the work, and then he’ll probably be replacing the electrical panel next week.




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